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The Crack Hoe was invented for those pesky, hard to clean cracks. Forget the labor intensive hand tools, lugging out the pressure washer or breaking your back and knees.  The Crack Hoe saves you time and energy.  It’s lightweight and easy to use. All you need is a push broom or paint handle and you are set! Affix the patented threaded blade head onto your handle and get to cleaning out those cracks.

Crack Hoe Cleaner

SKU: 007
  • It’s lightweight and easy to use. All you need is a push broom or paint handle and you are set!

How it Works

Step 1 - Separation

Locate and separate male and female ends of the clamp

See Videos below for more information

Separate Bag.jpg
STC Blue Male 1_edited.png


STC Blue Female 1_edited.png


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